Technology Help Page
Hi Parents!
It’s Mrs. Costello. So this is all new to us. Please be patient.
If you need help doing something the district created what they call Steppers (they are like step-by-step sheets) to help us do something. I am going to post what I can here. I am also going to look for helpful videos to help us survive.
Parent/Student Stepper for District Dell Chromebooks
Parent/Student Stepper for Google Classroom
A great YouTube video on accessing Google Classsroom
Parent/Student Stepper for New HP Chromebooks
SDP Parent/Student Tips and Tricks for Chromebooks
Chromebooks for All Emlen Students
Do you need your child’s login information? Please contact Mrs. Costello. There is no SCHOOL password. Your child has a student password that they use to get on their portal to use Lexia, iReady, to take their Benchmarks, to log into their school chromebooks, etc… It is usually a word followed by some numbers. Most 3-5 students know this password without issue.